Can't add jogl-all.jar and gluegen-rt.jar for 2.0.2 to Netbeans library

7 messages Options
Can't add jogl-all.jar and gluegen-rt.jar for 2.0.2 to Netbeans library – Anyone seen this? I create a JOGL2_2013JUL21 library and add all the system-specific gluegen and jogl .jar files, but the gluegen-rt.jar and java-...
Not that I can help you solve that issue but I can say that I use the same versions of netbeans and OSX, since I use maven the maven module sets u...
Hi I've just tried to reproduce your problem with Netbeans 7.3.1 but gluegen-rt.jar and jogl-all.jar are not grayed out in my case. Edit.: I...
Thanks for the quick responses. I upgraded to Netbeans 7.3.1 (I would have thought the Check for Updates would have told me), redownloaded the ...
Did you download the jars using Firefox? I had this issue where downloading the jars direclty ended up wrapping the jars in an extra layer of zi...
And we have a winner! YEAH!!! and GRRRR!!! Now I can enjoy the full effect of Lili/Deedee's lovely new shader program with text and every...
I use Firefox but I downloaded the 7z archive instead of the JARs. What you describe is actually a bug.