Help - How to: Build an executable JAR with SBT+JOGL+Scala

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Help - How to: Build an executable JAR with SBT+JOGL+Scala – I hope there is someone out there who knows how to solve this problem. I use SBT to build my scala applications. Now I want to build a Scala a...
Hi I'm sorry, I know Maven but I mainly use Ant as a build tool. I use PackR or preferably JNDT to build my self-contained native application b...
One way would be if we could modify how jogl/gluegen natives are named at the moment, giving them all unique names, (Such as -x64.dll and so on)....
I have nothing against Scala users but we can't respect contradictory guidelines to make all build tools work, we can't satisfy them all. Some bui...
Thanks for your time earlier on IRC. I have made a post over at the sbt assembly github issues here:
I think that it would be better if your feature request (1118) was implemented so that there is no duplicate files when you merge and it would be ...
That would be perfect, yes. In the meantime I've added a manual build step which extracts dll/so/jnilib files from maven jar-dependencies into ...