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JAR inquisition

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JAR inquisition

I decided to clone the gluegen, jogl and jogl-demos from git://github.com/sgothel/ so that I can run the latest ES2 demos (it seemed that the jar files I had were not compatible with the new demos and furthermore I could not find the 4 files I was looking for in the latest autobuild: http://jogamp.org/deployment/autobuilds/master/).

I tried to add the four jars that I used to include (gluegen-rt.jar, nativewindow.all.jar, jogl.all.jar, newt.all.jar) but was unable to find nativewindow.all.jar and newt.all.jar so instead I just add the entire gluegen and jogl projects to the build path (the jogl-demo's work fine now).

Have you changed the required jar files or did I screw something up along the way? Including the projects in the build path is not really bothering me, I'm just curious as to which .jars (and .dlls) I would require if the day comes that I only want those files (e.g. java applets).
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Re: JAR inquisition

Wade Walker
Hi François,

Yes, it appears that in the latest builds of JOGL, there are only gluegen-rt.jar and jogl.all.jar. I wasn't aware of this either until I pulled a dev build a couple of days ago
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Re: JAR inquisition

Cool, thanks for the reassurance that I've not completed lost it.
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Re: JAR inquisition

Sven Gothel
In reply to this post by Wade Walker
On Tuesday, August 23, 2011 03:42:30 PM Wade Walker [via jogamp] wrote:
> Hi François,
> Yes, it appears that in the latest builds of JOGL, there are only
> gluegen-rt.jar and jogl.all.jar. I wasn't aware of this either until I
> pulled a dev build a couple of days ago

So nobody read my "Our work and walk to SIGGRAPH2011" post carefully :)
It was (well hidden there):

  - 2011-08-05: Deployment Restructuring: JAR combine nativewindow/jogl/newt ; newt: 'driver' separation


remaining all-in-one jnlp's / jars:

  jogl-all-awt.jnlp    -> jogl.all.jar

  jogl-all-noawt.jnlp  -> jogl.all-noawt.jar

  jogl-all-mobile.jnlp -> jogl.all-mobile.jar

  native for all above:   jogl-all-natives-linux-amd64.jar

  jogl.all-android.apk    jogl.all-android.jar


The 'atomic' jars are still available under 'build/jar/atomic' !

However, it turns out that the above set of JARs are satisfying .. I guess.
Of course, if you find bugs and/or a better solution please make a comment/request.

The whole restructuring happened while I had to think about the android APK,
where I really wanted it to be almost 1:1 mirroring the 'normal java' world.
