JBullet for JOGL

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JBullet for JOGL

Hello Jogampers:

Do you Jogampers think it would be easy to port JBullet to JOGL which currently uses LWJGL?

Also, I think if it is too hard I might as well create my own Physics library.
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Re: JBullet for JOGL


I thought JBullet was a pure Java port of Bullet. As far as I know, it does not strongly depend on our competitor, it uses only for the rendering in some demos but you can easily port them to JogAmp.

There is no need to create another physics engine. Dyn4j is interesting too, even though its author claims it's mainly for 2D. There is Jinngine too.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: JBullet for JOGL

I'll give JBullet a second try since the author is an active member at Javagaming.org.
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Re: JBullet for JOGL

Sven Gothel
In reply to this post by gouessej
On 08/30/2012 09:30 PM, gouessej [via jogamp] wrote:
> Hi
> I thought JBullet was a pure Java port of Bullet. As far as I know, it does
> not strongly depend on our competitor, it uses only for the rendering in some
> demos but you can easily port them to JogAmp.
> There is no need to create another physics engine. Dyn4j is interesting too,
> even though its author claims it's mainly for 2D. There is Jinngine too.

.. one jbullet / jogl use-case and jbullet port is included in jogl-demos,
but it's quite old .. so dunno about status. I used it long time ago
to show the ragdoll demo.


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Re: JBullet for JOGL

Pixelapp wrote
I'll give JBullet a second try since the author is an active member at Javagaming.org.
You're right, I "know" him, he is the creator of "Resistance Force" and the main developer of PureSwing. JMonkeyEngine 3 switched to its own binding for Bullet because of memory leaks in JBullet. It would be fine to clarify this aspect.

Sven Gothel wrote
.. one jbullet / jogl use-case and jbullet port is included in jogl-demos,
but it's quite old .. so dunno about status. I used it long time ago
to show the ragdoll demo.
Maybe we should just update JBullet to check that nothing is broken.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: JBullet for JOGL

Right now I can not afford a memory leak in JBullet. What do you suggest I do?
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Re: JBullet for JOGL

In reply to this post by gouessej
You know. I'll integrate JBullet to my project piece by piece while stress testing it. So I avoid any programming pitfalls.

However, any suggestion would be appreciated Julien.
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Re: JBullet for JOGL

Look at the official forum of JMonkeyEngine, they spoke about that leak one year and an half ago.

I will have to use a physics engine too in some months but I have tons of things to do before...
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website