JOGL Application crashes on Windows 7 but runs fine in Eclipse

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JOGL Application crashes on Windows 7 but runs fine in Eclipse


at first, my system:
Windows 7 64bit (enterprise)
Nvidia quadra graphics card (driver: 285.62)
Java 1.6 Update 29 (64 and 32bit versions installed)

I'm using a pretty old version of Jogl 2.0. The file creation date in the jar's is the 28.10.2009. Unfortunately a change to a newer version of jogl is one of the last possibilites to solve this problem due to many changes in the source code which must be done. Same is the change to Java 1.7 Update 1.

The application works pretty fine under Windows XP x64. In Eclipse and as a deployed application all works fine. libraries are found and the opengl part of the application works.

Now I tested on a windows 7 pc and unfortunately it does not work as well. In my Eclipse environment on windows 7 I can start the application and everything is fine. opengl works.
Now I use the same deployement, as for windows xp, and the application crashes the moment i open an open gl window.
I start the application with administration rights so the libraries are found and loaded. This happens for the 32 and 64bit version of my application (correct jogl natives are used)

I get a broad variety of errors:
1: Application crashes. Error report says the problematic frame is some memory address
2: Application crashes. Windows "Application stopped working" dialog raises, saying the crashing module is OPENGL32.DLL

For the first error I post an example error report.

My arguments for the VM are:

Now the funny thing: Sometimes it works out of nowhere. Starting the application 2 minutes later with same arguments it crashes again.
Reproducing I can get the deployed version to run the opengl part when i started my application in eclipse and used opengl in it in s short period of time before starting the deployed version.

Any idea what can cause this behaviour?

Error Report
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x000007feeed78990, pid=4272, tid=500
# JRE version: 6.0_29-b11
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (20.4-b02 mixed mode windows-amd64 compressed oops)
# Problematic frame:
# C  0x000007feeed78990
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.

---------------  T H R E A D  ---------------

Current thread (0x0000000007d6a800):  JavaThread "AWT-EventQueue-0" [_thread_in_native, id=500, stack(0x0000000009a60000,0x0000000009b60000)]

siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc0000005, ExceptionInformation=0x0000000000000008 0x000007feeed78990

RAX=0x0000000000659e80, RBX=0x0000000000000000, RCX=0x0000000043010e97, RDX=0x0000000000000000
RSP=0x0000000009b5e408, RBP=0x0000000000008261, RSI=0x0000000000000000, RDI=0x0000000000000003
R8 =0x0000000000000000, R9 =0x0000000000000000, R10=0x0000000000000001, R11=0x0000000000000000
R12=0x0000000000000000, R13=0x0000000000000000, R14=0x0000000000000000, R15=0x0000000000000000
RIP=0x000007feeed78990, EFLAGS=0x0000000000010206

Top of Stack: (sp=0x0000000009b5e408)
0x0000000009b5e408:   000000005baa7363 0000000000000000
0x0000000009b5e418:   00000000bc020000 0000000009b5e330
0x0000000009b5e428:   0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x0000000009b5e438:   0000000002a00620 0000000000000400
0x0000000009b5e448:   0000000009b5e458 0000000007bfdf08
0x0000000009b5e458:   0000000000000000 0000000009b5e5f8
0x0000000009b5e468:   0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x0000000009b5e478:   0000000007bfdf00 0000000000000004
0x0000000009b5e488:   0000000000000000 0000000000008261
0x0000000009b5e498:   0000000009b5e638 0000000007d6a800
0x0000000009b5e4a8:   0000000009b5e638 00000000bc4d7210
0x0000000009b5e4b8:   0000000000000000 00000000029b59c9
0x0000000009b5e4c8:   00000000bbdd9ea8 0000000009b5e5d8
0x0000000009b5e4d8:   0000000006118bc1 0000000043010e97
0x0000000009b5e4e8:   00000000bc4d7210 00000000bbdd9ea8
0x0000000009b5e4f8:   0000000009b5e430 00000000ed275d80

Instructions: (pc=0x000007feeed78990)
[error occurred during error reporting (printing registers, top of stack, instructions near pc), id 0xc0000005]

Register to memory mapping:

RAX=0x0000000000659e80 is an unknown value
RBX=0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value
RCX=0x0000000043010e97 is an unknown value
RDX=0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value
RSP=0x0000000009b5e408 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x0000000007d6a800
RBP=0x0000000000008261 is an unknown value
RSI=0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value
RDI=0x0000000000000003 is an unknown value
R8 =0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value
R9 =0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value
R10=0x0000000000000001 is an unknown value
R11=0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value
R12=0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value
R13=0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value
R14=0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value
R15=0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value

Stack: [0x0000000009a60000,0x0000000009b60000],  sp=0x0000000009b5e408,  free space=1017k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
C  0x000007feeed78990

Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
j  com.sun.opengl.impl.GLContextImpl.makeCurrent()I+56
j  com.sun.opengl.impl.GLDrawableHelper.invokeGL(Ljavax/media/opengl/GLDrawable;Ljavax/media/opengl/GLContext;Ljava/lang/Runnable;Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V+89
j  java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch()V+11
j  java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(Ljava/awt/AWTEvent;Ljava/lang/Object;)V+21
j  java.awt.EventQueue.access$000(Ljava/awt/EventQueue;Ljava/awt/AWTEvent;Ljava/lang/Object;)V+3
j  java.awt.EventQueue$;+12
j  java.awt.EventQueue$;+1
v  ~StubRoutines::call_stub
j  java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Ljava/awt/AWTEvent;)V+46
j  java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(I)Z+204
j  java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(ILjava/awt/Conditional;Ljava/awt/EventFilter;)V+30
j  java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(ILjava/awt/Conditional;Ljava/awt/Component;)V+11
j  java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(ILjava/awt/Conditional;)V+4
j  java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Ljava/awt/Conditional;)V+3
v  ~StubRoutines::call_stub

---------------  P R O C E S S  ---------------

Java Threads: ( => current thread )
  0x0000000007cc2800 JavaThread "Timer-0" [_thread_blocked, id=4760, stack(0x0000000006160000,0x0000000006260000)]
  0x000000000b5a5800 JavaThread "TimerQueue" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=1980, stack(0x0000000002440000,0x0000000002540000)]
  0x00000000001f5800 JavaThread "DestroyJavaVM" [_thread_blocked, id=4592, stack(0x00000000026a0000,0x00000000027a0000)]
  0x0000000007ec5000 JavaThread "Image Fetcher 1" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=4472, stack(0x000000000a460000,0x000000000a560000)]
  0x0000000006e5a000 JavaThread "Image Fetcher 0" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=4720, stack(0x0000000009b60000,0x0000000009c60000)]
=>0x0000000007d6a800 JavaThread "AWT-EventQueue-0" [_thread_in_native, id=500, stack(0x0000000009a60000,0x0000000009b60000)]
  0x0000000007ccd800 JavaThread "AWT-Shutdown" [_thread_blocked, id=1216, stack(0x00000000080e0000,0x00000000081e0000)]
  0x0000000006e82800 JavaThread "AWT-Windows" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=1792, stack(0x00000000081e0000,0x00000000082e0000)]
  0x0000000007beb800 JavaThread "Java2D Disposer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=616, stack(0x0000000007fe0000,0x00000000080e0000)]
  0x0000000006cdc000 JavaThread "Low Memory Detector" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=660, stack(0x0000000007290000,0x0000000007390000)]
  0x0000000006cd9000 JavaThread "C2 CompilerThread1" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=4048, stack(0x0000000007190000,0x0000000007290000)]
  0x00000000002c7000 JavaThread "C2 CompilerThread0" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2568, stack(0x0000000007090000,0x0000000007190000)]
  0x00000000002c5800 JavaThread "Attach Listener" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3104, stack(0x0000000006f90000,0x0000000007090000)]
  0x00000000002c4800 JavaThread "Signal Dispatcher" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=1080, stack(0x0000000006e90000,0x0000000006f90000)]
  0x00000000002b3000 JavaThread "Finalizer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=1208, stack(0x0000000006b90000,0x0000000006c90000)]
  0x00000000002aa000 JavaThread "Reference Handler" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2448, stack(0x0000000006a90000,0x0000000006b90000)]

Other Threads:
  0x00000000002a3800 VMThread [stack: 0x0000000006990000,0x0000000006a90000] [id=3084]
  0x0000000006ce8800 WatcherThread [stack: 0x0000000007390000,0x0000000007490000] [id=4932]

VM state:not at safepoint (normal execution)

VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None

 PSYoungGen      total 152896K, used 42356K [0x00000000eaab0000, 0x00000000f5550000, 0x0000000100000000)
  eden space 131072K, 32% used [0x00000000eaab0000,0x00000000ed40d0b0,0x00000000f2ab0000)
  from space 21824K, 0% used [0x00000000f4000000,0x00000000f4000000,0x00000000f5550000)
  to   space 21824K, 0% used [0x00000000f2ab0000,0x00000000f2ab0000,0x00000000f4000000)
 PSOldGen        total 349568K, used 0K [0x00000000c0000000, 0x00000000d5560000, 0x00000000eaab0000)
  object space 349568K, 0% used [0x00000000c0000000,0x00000000c0000000,0x00000000d5560000)
 PSPermGen       total 23552K, used 23453K [0x00000000bae00000, 0x00000000bc500000, 0x00000000c0000000)
  object space 23552K, 99% used [0x00000000bae00000,0x00000000bc4e75c8,0x00000000bc500000)

Code Cache  [0x00000000029b0000, 0x0000000002c20000, 0x00000000059b0000)
 total_blobs=620 nmethods=52 adapters=521 free_code_cache=49585728 largest_free_block=4160

Dynamic libraries:
0x0000000000400000 - 0x000000000042e000 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_29\jre\bin\java.exe
0x0000000077950000 - 0x0000000077af9000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
0x0000000077730000 - 0x000000007784f000 C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll
0x000007fefdb60000 - 0x000007fefdbcc000 C:\Windows\system32\KERNELBASE.dll
0x000007fefe470000 - 0x000007fefe54b000 C:\Windows\system32\ADVAPI32.dll
0x000007fefec70000 - 0x000007fefed0f000 C:\Windows\system32\msvcrt.dll
0x000007fefe550000 - 0x000007fefe56f000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\sechost.dll
0x000007fefe0e0000 - 0x000007fefe20d000 C:\Windows\system32\RPCRT4.dll
0x000000006d890000 - 0x000000006e048000 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_29\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll
0x0000000077850000 - 0x000000007794a000 C:\Windows\system32\USER32.dll
0x000007feffbd0000 - 0x000007feffc37000 C:\Windows\system32\GDI32.dll
0x000007fefe210000 - 0x000007fefe21e000 C:\Windows\system32\LPK.dll
0x000007fefe010000 - 0x000007fefe0d9000 C:\Windows\system32\USP10.dll
0x000007fefa8a0000 - 0x000007fefa8db000 C:\Windows\system32\WINMM.dll
0x000007fefdf80000 - 0x000007fefdfae000 C:\Windows\system32\IMM32.DLL
0x000007fefdc70000 - 0x000007fefdd79000 C:\Windows\system32\MSCTF.dll
0x000000006d750000 - 0x000000006d77a000 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_29\jre\bin\splashscreen.dll
0x000007fefc450000 - 0x000007fefc4a6000 C:\Windows\system32\uxtheme.dll
0x000000006d800000 - 0x000000006d80e000 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_29\jre\bin\verify.dll
0x000000006d450000 - 0x000000006d477000 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_29\jre\bin\java.dll
0x000000006d850000 - 0x000000006d862000 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_29\jre\bin\zip.dll
0x000007fefea60000 - 0x000007fefec63000 C:\Windows\system32\ole32.dll
0x000007fefd7d0000 - 0x000007fefd7df000 C:\Windows\system32\CRYPTBASE.dll
0x000007fefe220000 - 0x000007fefe2b9000 C:\Windows\system32\CLBCatQ.DLL
0x000007fefed10000 - 0x000007fefede7000 C:\Windows\system32\OLEAUT32.dll
0x000000006d0a0000 - 0x000000006d263000 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_29\jre\bin\awt.dll
0x000007fef8390000 - 0x000007fef8401000 C:\Windows\system32\WINSPOOL.DRV
0x000007fefedf0000 - 0x000007feffb78000 C:\Windows\system32\SHELL32.dll
0x000007fefe2c0000 - 0x000007fefe331000 C:\Windows\system32\SHLWAPI.dll
0x000007fefc4b0000 - 0x000007fefc6a4000 C:\Windows\WinSxS\\COMCTL32.dll
0x000007fefbef0000 - 0x000007fefbf08000 C:\Windows\system32\DWMAPI.DLL
0x000000006d340000 - 0x000000006d3a6000 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_29\jre\bin\fontmanager.dll
0x000000006d6a0000 - 0x000000006d6b7000 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_29\jre\bin\net.dll
0x000007feffb80000 - 0x000007feffbcd000 C:\Windows\system32\WS2_32.dll
0x000007fefe570000 - 0x000007fefe578000 C:\Windows\system32\NSI.dll
0x000007fefd0d0000 - 0x000007fefd125000 C:\Windows\system32\mswsock.dll
0x000007fefd0c0000 - 0x000007fefd0c7000 C:\Windows\System32\wship6.dll
0x000007fefa990000 - 0x000007fefa9a5000 C:\Windows\system32\NLAapi.dll
0x000007fef9280000 - 0x000007fef9295000 C:\Windows\system32\napinsp.dll
0x000007fef92a0000 - 0x000007fef92b9000 C:\Windows\system32\pnrpnsp.dll
0x000007fefcf50000 - 0x000007fefcfab000 C:\Windows\system32\DNSAPI.dll
0x000007fef8650000 - 0x000007fef865b000 C:\Windows\System32\winrnr.dll
0x000007fef8640000 - 0x000007fef8650000 C:\Windows\system32\wshbth.dll
0x000007fefcac0000 - 0x000007fefcac7000 C:\Windows\System32\wshtcpip.dll
0x000007fefa3c0000 - 0x000007fefa3e7000 C:\Windows\system32\IPHLPAPI.DLL
0x000007fefa3b0000 - 0x000007fefa3bb000 C:\Windows\system32\WINNSI.DLL
0x000007fef9700000 - 0x000007fef9708000 C:\Windows\system32\rasadhlp.dll
0x000007fefa140000 - 0x000007fefa193000 C:\Windows\System32\fwpuclnt.dll
0x000007feef610000 - 0x000007feef701000 C:\Windows\system32\DDRAW.dll
0x000007fef76b0000 - 0x000007fef76b8000 C:\Windows\system32\DCIMAN32.dll
0x000007fefe580000 - 0x000007fefe757000 C:\Windows\system32\SETUPAPI.dll
0x000007fefd990000 - 0x000007fefd9c6000 C:\Windows\system32\CFGMGR32.dll
0x000007fefdb40000 - 0x000007fefdb5a000 C:\Windows\system32\DEVOBJ.dll
0x000000005b220000 - 0x000000005c9e9000 C:\Windows\system32\nvoglv64.DLL
0x000007fefcab0000 - 0x000007fefcabc000 C:\Windows\system32\VERSION.dll
0x000007fefd950000 - 0x000007fefd98a000 C:\Windows\system32\WINTRUST.dll
0x000007fefd9d0000 - 0x000007fefdb37000 C:\Windows\system32\CRYPT32.dll
0x000007fefd940000 - 0x000007fefd94f000 C:\Windows\system32\MSASN1.dll
0x000000006d6c0000 - 0x000000006d6cb000 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_29\jre\bin\nio.dll
0x0000000010000000 - 0x0000000010007000 C:\Program Files\Correlation Tool\0.2 beta\nativewindow_jvm.dll
0x0000000073070000 - 0x0000000073139000 C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.4940_none_88df89932faf0bf6\MSVCR80.dll
0x0000000006100000 - 0x000000000615e000 C:\Program Files\Correlation Tool\0.2 beta\jogl_gl2.dll
0x000007feeec30000 - 0x000007feeed4d000 C:\Windows\system32\OPENGL32.dll
0x000007fef2050000 - 0x000007fef207d000 C:\Windows\system32\GLU32.dll
0x0000000000540000 - 0x0000000000556000 C:\Program Files\Correlation Tool\0.2 beta\jogl_gl2es12.dll
0x0000000000600000 - 0x0000000000607000 C:\Program Files\Correlation Tool\0.2 beta\gluegen-rt.dll
0x000000006d490000 - 0x000000006d497000 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_29\jre\bin\jawt.dll
0x0000000002660000 - 0x0000000002667000 C:\Program Files\Correlation Tool\0.2 beta\nativewindow_awt.dll
0x0000000077b10000 - 0x0000000077b17000 C:\Windows\system32\PSAPI.DLL

VM Arguments:
jvm_args: -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false -Dsun.java2d.ddoffscreen=false -Dsun.java2d.gdiblit=false -Xms512m -Xmx1024m
java_command: C:\Program Files\Correlation Tool\0.2 beta\corr_tool_x64.jar
Launcher Type: SUN_STANDARD

Environment Variables:
PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Aladdin\eToken\PKIClient\x32;C:\Program Files\Aladdin\eToken\PKIClient\x64;C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_29\bin
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 6, GenuineIntel

---------------  S Y S T E M  ---------------

OS: Windows 7 , 64 bit Build 7601 Service Pack 1

CPU:total 2 (2 cores per cpu, 1 threads per core) family 6 model 23 stepping 6, cmov, cx8, fxsr, mmx, sse, sse2, sse3, ssse3, sse4.1

Memory: 4k page, physical 4192220k(2595324k free), swap 8382592k(5754936k free)

vm_info: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (20.4-b02) for windows-amd64 JRE (1.6.0_29-b11), built on Oct  3 2011 01:06:42 by "java_re" with MS VC++ 8.0 (VS2005)

time: Mon Dec 19 14:35:34 2011
elapsed time: 23 seconds
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Re: JOGL Application crashes on Windows 7 but runs fine in Eclipse


Sorry but lots of fixes have been added since October 2009, we cannot help you if you don't use at least the latest release candidate. Your request is strange. JOGL 1.1.1a is no more maintained, nothing will be fixed in it.

I ported several engines from JOGL 1.1.1a to JOGL 2.0. It is not very difficult, many changes are straight forward, they just consist in using different imports or classes (BufferUtils -> Buffers, GL -> GL2, GL2ES1, etc...), using a GLProfile instance... JOGL 1.1.1a has been written when Windows 7 did even not exist, a switch to JOGL 2 is mandatory. Best regards.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: JOGL Application crashes on Windows 7 but runs fine in Eclipse

Hi gouessej,

Hm, I excpected this answer.

I downloaded new RC5 (jogl2.0-b45-windows-amd64) but application stopped working.

I'm wondering about the missing of newt.all.jar and nativewindow.all.jar. They don't exist anymore in the download. Just in the "atomic" folder there are some newt and nativewindow jars but I don't need them anymore?

I use now jogl.all.jar and gluegen-rt.jar. These two jars added to the project and in java.library.path I added the folder containing the .dll's and the jogl.natives and gluegen-rt.natives jar's

Well, I changed Animator to AnimatorBase and FPSAnimator is still the same (Just another import). Afterwards i changed all BufferUtils to com.jogamp.common.nio.Buffers and the methods "newFloatBuffer" to "newDirectFloatBuffer".

All libraries are found starting it from eclipse and the window containig the opengl drawing appears but as soon as i drop data on the window that should be displayed nothing works. All i can do is moving the complete application window. All other UI elements do not react on any user inputs and i have to kill the application in the eclipse console.

Any idea what changes are als necessary? I have to say that i did not developed the jogl part of the application.

ANother additional information to the first post:
I need not run the application in eclipse, it is enough to have eclipse open to succed in loading the opengl window in the deployed application

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Re: JOGL Application crashes on Windows 7 but runs fine in Eclipse


I used JOGL in an application based on Eclipse RCP; when I drag and drop an element from the tree to a particular EditorPart or ViewPart, it updates the 3D viewer. When I switched from JOGL 1.1.1a to JOGL 2.0, I did the same thing than you (+ GLProfile.initSingleton(false)) and it worked. You can still use com.jogamp.opengl.util.Animator, you don't need to use AnimatorBase.

Maybe the JOGL part of your application silently catches some exceptions. Do you have any error log? stack trace?

Edit.: put the JARs containing the native libraries into the same directory than jogl.all.jar and gluegen-rt.jar.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: JOGL Application crashes on Windows 7 but runs fine in Eclipse


okay this problem I could fix. Some debugging showed me that I need some more calls to animator.start() and animator.stop().

Now, I start the application out of eclipse and I can drag and drop data in the opengl window and it does not crash (yet).
So it seems that all works well and the new jogl version is correct adapted.

So the original problem remains the same.

I deployed the application ones more, did a restart of my pc (to be sure all is clean and there are no effects of a running eclipse) and the deployed application crashes as soon as I want to open the opengl window.
Then I just start eclipse (project is in workspace), start the deployed application again and the openfl window raises and can be displayed...

Are there any settings eclipse applies to the java environment when it starts? I cannot explain this phaenomene because in eclipse it works and deployed it does not. Although the deployed application can load the libraries (i guess..they appear in the memory and there are no FileNotFound or UnsatisifiedLink Exceptions....) so what could be the problem?

Another question: If i read the memory and the address of the problematic frame correct, there is no library (listet here) that uses this address? The only one with 7fef06 is DICMAN32 but the addressed area does not contain the problematic frame.?

The error report seems to be the same as before.
Here's the report again:

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x000007fef06f8990, pid=620, tid=3156
# JRE version: 6.0_29-b11
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (20.4-b02 mixed mode windows-amd64 compressed oops)
# Problematic frame:
# C  0x000007fef06f8990
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.

---------------  T H R E A D  ---------------

Current thread (0x0000000007f8d800):  JavaThread "AWT-EventQueue-0-SharedResourceRunner" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=3156, stack(0x000000000af30000,0x000000000b030000)]

siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc0000005, ExceptionInformation=0x0000000000000008 0x000007fef06f8990

RAX=0x0000000000663e10, RBX=0x0000000000000000, RCX=0x000000001001069b, RDX=0x0000000000000000
RSP=0x000000000b02f048, RBP=0x0000000000008261, RSI=0x0000000000000002, RDI=0x0000000000000004
R8 =0x0000000000000002, R9 =0x0000000000000001, R10=0x0000000000000001, R11=0x0000000000000000
R12=0x0000000000000000, R13=0x0000000000000000, R14=0x0000000000000000, R15=0x0000000000000000
RIP=0x000007fef06f8990, EFLAGS=0x0000000000010202

Top of Stack: (sp=0x000000000b02f048)
0x000000000b02f048:   00000000093a7363 0000000000000000
0x000000000b02f058:   0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x000000000b02f068:   0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x000000000b02f078:   0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x000000000b02f088:   0000000007020000 000000000b02efa0
0x000000000b02f098:   0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x000000000b02f0a8:   00000000031f0620 0000000000000400
0x000000000b02f0b8:   000000000b02f0c8 000000010000000a
0x000000000b02f0c8:   0000000000000002 0000000000008261
0x000000000b02f0d8:   0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x000000000b02f0e8:   0000000000000000 00000000093a4860
0x000000000b02f0f8:   0000000000000000 000000001001069b
0x000000000b02f108:   000000000b02f298 00000000eda57208
0x000000000b02f118:   0000000064558377 000000001001069b
0x000000000b02f128:   0000000007f8d9d0 000000000b02f298
0x000000000b02f138:   000000000b02f070 000000000b02f258

Instructions: (pc=0x000007fef06f8990)
[error occurred during error reporting (printing registers, top of stack, instructions near pc), id 0xc0000005]

Register to memory mapping:

RAX=0x0000000000663e10 is an unknown value
RBX=0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value
RCX=0x000000001001069b is an unknown value
RDX=0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value
RSP=0x000000000b02f048 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x0000000007f8d800
RBP=0x0000000000008261 is an unknown value
RSI=0x0000000000000002 is an unknown value
RDI=0x0000000000000004 is an unknown value
R8 =0x0000000000000002 is an unknown value
R9 =0x0000000000000001 is an unknown value
R10=0x0000000000000001 is an unknown value
R11=0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value
R12=0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value
R13=0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value
R14=0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value
R15=0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value

Stack: [0x000000000af30000,0x000000000b030000],  sp=0x000000000b02f048,  free space=1020k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
C  0x000007fef06f8990

Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
j  jogamp.opengl.GLContextImpl.createContextARBVersions(JZIIIII[I[I)J+147
j  jogamp.opengl.GLContextImpl.createContextARBMapVersionsAvailable(IZ)V+119
j  jogamp.opengl.GLContextImpl.mapGLVersions(Ljavax/media/nativewindow/AbstractGraphicsDevice;)V+9
j  jogamp.opengl.GLContextImpl.createContextARB(JZ)J+123
j  jogamp.opengl.GLContextImpl.makeCurrentLocking()I+114
j  jogamp.opengl.GLContextImpl.makeCurrent()I+120
v  ~StubRoutines::call_stub

---------------  P R O C E S S  ---------------

Java Threads: ( => current thread )
=>0x0000000007f8d800 JavaThread "AWT-EventQueue-0-SharedResourceRunner" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=3156, stack(0x000000000af30000,0x000000000b030000)]
  0x000000000b43a800 JavaThread "TimerQueue" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=908, stack(0x0000000002450000,0x0000000002550000)]
  0x00000000001f6000 JavaThread "DestroyJavaVM" [_thread_blocked, id=396, stack(0x00000000026b0000,0x00000000027b0000)]
  0x0000000007e79800 JavaThread "AWT-EventQueue-0" [_thread_blocked, id=3636, stack(0x000000000ad30000,0x000000000ae30000)]
  0x0000000007e79000 JavaThread "AWT-Shutdown" [_thread_blocked, id=3852, stack(0x00000000081b0000,0x00000000082b0000)]
  0x0000000007ce9800 JavaThread "AWT-Windows" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=3888, stack(0x00000000082b0000,0x00000000083b0000)]
  0x0000000007d43000 JavaThread "Java2D Disposer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3892, stack(0x00000000080b0000,0x00000000081b0000)]
  0x0000000006dbd000 JavaThread "Low Memory Detector" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2140, stack(0x0000000007360000,0x0000000007460000)]
  0x00000000002ce800 JavaThread "C2 CompilerThread1" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3784, stack(0x0000000007260000,0x0000000007360000)]
  0x00000000002c7000 JavaThread "C2 CompilerThread0" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3236, stack(0x0000000007160000,0x0000000007260000)]
  0x00000000002c5800 JavaThread "Attach Listener" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3240, stack(0x0000000007060000,0x0000000007160000)]
  0x00000000002c4800 JavaThread "Signal Dispatcher" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3280, stack(0x0000000006f60000,0x0000000007060000)]
  0x00000000002b3000 JavaThread "Finalizer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3284, stack(0x0000000006c60000,0x0000000006d60000)]
  0x00000000002aa000 JavaThread "Reference Handler" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3328, stack(0x0000000006b60000,0x0000000006c60000)]

Other Threads:
  0x00000000002a3800 VMThread [stack: 0x0000000006a60000,0x0000000006b60000] [id=3332]
  0x0000000006dc6000 WatcherThread [stack: 0x0000000007460000,0x0000000007560000] [id=3876]

VM state:not at safepoint (normal execution)

VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None

 PSYoungGen      total 152896K, used 50215K [0x00000000eaab0000, 0x00000000f5550000, 0x0000000100000000)
  eden space 131072K, 38% used [0x00000000eaab0000,0x00000000edbb9dc0,0x00000000f2ab0000)
  from space 21824K, 0% used [0x00000000f4000000,0x00000000f4000000,0x00000000f5550000)
  to   space 21824K, 0% used [0x00000000f2ab0000,0x00000000f2ab0000,0x00000000f4000000)
 PSOldGen        total 349568K, used 0K [0x00000000c0000000, 0x00000000d5560000, 0x00000000eaab0000)
  object space 349568K, 0% used [0x00000000c0000000,0x00000000c0000000,0x00000000d5560000)
 PSPermGen       total 22400K, used 22243K [0x00000000bae00000, 0x00000000bc3e0000, 0x00000000c0000000)
  object space 22400K, 99% used [0x00000000bae00000,0x00000000bc3b8cf0,0x00000000bc3e0000)

Code Cache  [0x00000000031a0000, 0x0000000003410000, 0x00000000061a0000)
 total_blobs=713 nmethods=57 adapters=609 free_code_cache=49513792 largest_free_block=11968

Dynamic libraries:
0x0000000000400000 - 0x000000000042e000 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_29\jre\bin\java.exe
0x0000000077a70000 - 0x0000000077c19000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
0x0000000077850000 - 0x000000007796f000 C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll
0x000007fefdce0000 - 0x000007fefdd4c000 C:\Windows\system32\KERNELBASE.dll
0x000007fefe540000 - 0x000007fefe61b000 C:\Windows\system32\ADVAPI32.dll
0x000007fefe620000 - 0x000007fefe6bf000 C:\Windows\system32\msvcrt.dll
0x000007feffa20000 - 0x000007feffa3f000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\sechost.dll
0x000007feff450000 - 0x000007feff57d000 C:\Windows\system32\RPCRT4.dll
0x000000006d890000 - 0x000000006e048000 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_29\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll
0x0000000077970000 - 0x0000000077a6a000 C:\Windows\system32\USER32.dll
0x000007fefdd90000 - 0x000007fefddf7000 C:\Windows\system32\GDI32.dll
0x000007fefde50000 - 0x000007fefde5e000 C:\Windows\system32\LPK.dll
0x000007fefe1e0000 - 0x000007fefe2a9000 C:\Windows\system32\USP10.dll
0x000007fefa9e0000 - 0x000007fefaa1b000 C:\Windows\system32\WINMM.dll
0x000007fefdf90000 - 0x000007fefdfbe000 C:\Windows\system32\IMM32.DLL
0x000007feff710000 - 0x000007feff819000 C:\Windows\system32\MSCTF.dll
0x000000006d750000 - 0x000000006d77a000 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_29\jre\bin\splashscreen.dll
0x000007fefc500000 - 0x000007fefc556000 C:\Windows\system32\uxtheme.dll
0x000000006d800000 - 0x000000006d80e000 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_29\jre\bin\verify.dll
0x000000006d450000 - 0x000000006d477000 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_29\jre\bin\java.dll
0x000007fefe2b0000 - 0x000007fefe4b3000 C:\Windows\system32\ole32.dll
0x000007fefd8f0000 - 0x000007fefd8ff000 C:\Windows\system32\CRYPTBASE.dll
0x000007feff580000 - 0x000007feff619000 C:\Windows\system32\CLBCatQ.DLL
0x000007feffca0000 - 0x000007feffd77000 C:\Windows\system32\OLEAUT32.dll
0x000000006d850000 - 0x000000006d862000 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_29\jre\bin\zip.dll
0x000000006d0a0000 - 0x000000006d263000 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_29\jre\bin\awt.dll
0x000007fef9850000 - 0x000007fef98c1000 C:\Windows\system32\WINSPOOL.DRV
0x000007fefe6c0000 - 0x000007feff448000 C:\Windows\system32\SHELL32.dll
0x000007fefe4c0000 - 0x000007fefe531000 C:\Windows\system32\SHLWAPI.dll
0x000007fefc560000 - 0x000007fefc754000 C:\Windows\WinSxS\\COMCTL32.dll
0x000007fefcc60000 - 0x000007fefcc78000 C:\Windows\system32\DWMAPI.DLL
0x000000006d340000 - 0x000000006d3a6000 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_29\jre\bin\fontmanager.dll
0x000000006d6a0000 - 0x000000006d6b7000 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_29\jre\bin\net.dll
0x000007fefde00000 - 0x000007fefde4d000 C:\Windows\system32\WS2_32.dll
0x000007feff700000 - 0x000007feff708000 C:\Windows\system32\NSI.dll
0x000007fefd230000 - 0x000007fefd285000 C:\Windows\system32\mswsock.dll
0x000007fefd220000 - 0x000007fefd227000 C:\Windows\System32\wship6.dll
0x000007fefb5c0000 - 0x000007fefb5d5000 C:\Windows\system32\NLAapi.dll
0x000007fef7820000 - 0x000007fef7835000 C:\Windows\system32\napinsp.dll
0x000007fef7840000 - 0x000007fef7859000 C:\Windows\system32\pnrpnsp.dll
0x000007fefd0b0000 - 0x000007fefd10b000 C:\Windows\system32\DNSAPI.dll
0x000007fef7810000 - 0x000007fef781b000 C:\Windows\System32\winrnr.dll
0x000007fef7800000 - 0x000007fef7810000 C:\Windows\system32\wshbth.dll
0x000007fefcb50000 - 0x000007fefcb57000 C:\Windows\System32\wshtcpip.dll
0x000007fef97d0000 - 0x000007fef97f7000 C:\Windows\system32\IPHLPAPI.DLL
0x000007fef97c0000 - 0x000007fef97cb000 C:\Windows\system32\WINNSI.DLL
0x000007fef7bf0000 - 0x000007fef7bf8000 C:\Windows\system32\rasadhlp.dll
0x000007fef9670000 - 0x000007fef96c3000 C:\Windows\System32\fwpuclnt.dll
0x000007fef09a0000 - 0x000007fef0a91000 C:\Windows\system32\DDRAW.dll
0x000007fef06c0000 - 0x000007fef06c8000 C:\Windows\system32\DCIMAN32.dll
0x000007feff820000 - 0x000007feff9f7000 C:\Windows\system32\SETUPAPI.dll
0x000007fefda70000 - 0x000007fefdaa6000 C:\Windows\system32\CFGMGR32.dll
0x000007fefdb50000 - 0x000007fefdb6a000 C:\Windows\system32\DEVOBJ.dll
0x0000000008b20000 - 0x000000000a2e9000 C:\Windows\system32\nvoglv64.DLL
0x000007fefca80000 - 0x000007fefca8c000 C:\Windows\system32\VERSION.dll
0x000007fefdd50000 - 0x000007fefdd8a000 C:\Windows\system32\WINTRUST.dll
0x000007fefdb70000 - 0x000007fefdcd7000 C:\Windows\system32\CRYPT32.dll
0x000007fefda60000 - 0x000007fefda6f000 C:\Windows\system32\MSASN1.dll
0x000000006d6c0000 - 0x000000006d6cb000 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_29\jre\bin\nio.dll
0x000007fefd290000 - 0x000007fefd2a7000 C:\Windows\system32\CRYPTSP.dll
0x000007fefcf90000 - 0x000007fefcfd7000 C:\Windows\system32\rsaenh.dll
0x000007fefccf0000 - 0x000007fefcd0e000 C:\Windows\system32\USERENV.dll
0x000007fefd9c0000 - 0x000007fefd9cf000 C:\Windows\system32\profapi.dll
0x00000000637c0000 - 0x00000000637ca000 C:\Users\buch_ra\AppData\Local\Temp\jogamp.tmp.cache_000000\jln6758422881115413065\jln2255265404244397003\gluegen-rt.dll
0x000000006d490000 - 0x000000006d497000 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_29\jre\bin\jawt.dll
0x000000006a440000 - 0x000000006a44b000 C:\Users\buch_ra\AppData\Local\Temp\jogamp.tmp.cache_000000\jln6758422881115413065\jln2255265404244397003\nativewindow_awt.dll
0x000000006c100000 - 0x000000006c10b000 C:\Users\buch_ra\AppData\Local\Temp\jogamp.tmp.cache_000000\jln6758422881115413065\jln2255265404244397003\nativewindow_win32.dll
0x000007fef5f80000 - 0x000007fef609d000 C:\Windows\system32\OpenGL32.dll
0x000007fef6520000 - 0x000007fef654d000 C:\Windows\system32\GLU32.dll
0x0000000064500000 - 0x0000000064589000 C:\Users\buch_ra\AppData\Local\Temp\jogamp.tmp.cache_000000\jln6758422881115413065\jln2255265404244397003\jogl_desktop.dll
0x0000000077c30000 - 0x0000000077c37000 C:\Windows\system32\PSAPI.DLL

VM Arguments:
jvm_args: -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false -Dsun.java2d.ddoffscreen=false -Dsun.java2d.gdiblit=false -Xms512m -Xmx1024m
java_command: C:\Program Files\Correlation Tool\JOGL2Test\corr_tool_x64_jogl2rc5.jar
Launcher Type: SUN_STANDARD

Environment Variables:
PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Aladdin\eToken\PKIClient\x32;C:\Program Files\Aladdin\eToken\PKIClient\x64;C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_29\bin;D:\SW-Dev\CorrelationTool\3.1\lib\JOGL\jogl-2.0-windows-amd64\lib
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 6, GenuineIntel

---------------  S Y S T E M  ---------------

OS: Windows 7 , 64 bit Build 7601 Service Pack 1

CPU:total 2 (2 cores per cpu, 1 threads per core) family 6 model 23 stepping 6, cmov, cx8, fxsr, mmx, sse, sse2, sse3, ssse3, sse4.1

Memory: 4k page, physical 4192220k(3056152k free), swap 8382592k(6651092k free)

vm_info: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (20.4-b02) for windows-amd64 JRE (1.6.0_29-b11), built on Oct  3 2011 01:06:42 by "java_re" with MS VC++ 8.0 (VS2005)

time: Wed Dec 21 11:58:19 2011
elapsed time: 33 seconds
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Re: JOGL Application crashes on Windows 7 but runs fine in Eclipse

Sven Gothel
In reply to this post by gouessej
On Wednesday, December 21, 2011 11:28:56 AM gouessej [via jogamp] wrote:
> Hi
> I used JOGL in an application based on Eclipse RCP; when I drag and drop an
> element from the tree to a particular EditorPart or ViewPart, it updates the
> 3D viewer. When I switched from JOGL 1.1.1a to JOGL 2.0, I did the same
> thing than you (+ GLProfile.initSingleton(false)) and it worked. You can
> still use com.jogamp.opengl.util.Animator, you don't need to use
> AnimatorBase.

"GLProfile.initSingleton(false)" is deprecated now and should not be used anymore.
Sorry - since the initialization stuff
has been fixed lately incl. locking, I guess it's better this way.
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Re: JOGL Application crashes on Windows 7 but runs fine in Eclipse

Sven Gothel
In reply to this post by Sandhase
On Wednesday, December 21, 2011 10:38:29 AM Sandhase [via jogamp] wrote:

> Hi gouessej,
> Hm, I excpected this answer.
> I downloaded new RC5 (jogl2.0-b45-windows-amd64) but application stopped
> working.
> I'm wondering about the missing of newt.all.jar and nativewindow.all.jar.
> They don't exist anymore in the download. Just in the "atomic" folder there
> are some newt and nativewindow jars but I don't need them anymore?
No, only the *all* JAR files are required. Only if you like to slice and dice
it to a bare minimum -or- want to add JOGL's Cg you may need to add (some)
atomic JARs.

Additionally you might want to attach the source files to their respective JAR files.

> I use now jogl.all.jar and gluegen-rt.jar. These two jars added to the
> project and in java.library.path I added the folder containing the .dll's
> and the jogl.natives and gluegen-rt.natives jar's
You don't even need to add those DLLs anymore, or their respective path,
since we load the native JAR files automatically.

> Well, I changed Animator to AnimatorBase and FPSAnimator is still the same
> (Just another import). Afterwards i changed all BufferUtils to
> com.jogamp.common.nio.Buffers and the methods "newFloatBuffer" to
> "newDirectFloatBuffer".

Animator still exists, both Animator and FPSAnimator extend AnimatorBase.

> All libraries are found starting it from eclipse and the window containig
> the opengl drawing appears but as soon as i drop data on the window that
> should be displayed nothing works. All i can do is moving the complete
> application window. All other UI elements do not react on any user inputs
> and i have to kill the application in the eclipse console.
Sorry, I don't understand this use-case. 'Drop data' etc .. don't know what you mean.

> Any idea what changes are als necessary? I have to say that i did not
> developed the jogl part of the application.
> ANother additional information to the first post:
> I need not run the application in eclipse, it is enough to have eclipse open
> to succed in loading the opengl window in the deployed application

The integration of JOGL in Eclipse, ie how to deploy it as a package for Eclipse
should be as simple as described above: Add the *all* JAR files to the classpath, done.

> br
> sandhase
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Re: JOGL Application crashes on Windows 7 but runs fine in Eclipse

The important thing is this:

It crashes in this method. It comes from the driver or from the way the context is created in JOGL 2.0.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: JOGL Application crashes on Windows 7 but runs fine in Eclipse

Yeah, I recognized the crash in this method.

Also there is ja NullPointer...just..which argument(s) is/are null.

Due to working fine running out of eclipse I guess the problem is the context. Are there any changes between early jogl2.0 and current releases?

I can post some code concering the creation of the opengl tomorrow... thx for help so far

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Re: JOGL Application crashes on Windows 7 but runs fine in Eclipse

Sven Gothel
On Wednesday, December 21, 2011 07:37:11 PM Sandhase [via jogamp] wrote:

> Yeah, I recognized the crash in this method.
> Also there is ja NullPointer...just..which argument(s) is/are null.
> Due to working fine running out of eclipse I guess the problem is the
> context. Are there any changes between early jogl2.0 and current releases?
> I can post some code concering the creation of the opengl tomorrow... thx
> for help so far

I don't know.

However, it would be great if you can create a unit test
which is able to reproduce the bug.

Please add the test_dbg.log file as well (run etc/ ..)
plus your log file of the crash w/ the debug flags enabled.

Assuming the test_dbg.log containes all the required information
you don't need to name your platform, GPU, .. etc here :)

Thank you.

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Re: JOGL Application crashes on Windows 7 but runs fine in Eclipse

Okay, I#m trying to produce some data for you. But I have just a few hours left in the office so it will be next year. I try to get it to work with some changes in versions.

I installeds JRE6u30 (no change) and JRE7u2 (Windows App Crash dialog. Error in OpenGL32.dll Exception code: c0000005)
I'll see if I can fix here. Informations about my System are in the error log and in the first post of this thread.

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Re: JOGL Application crashes on Windows 7 but runs fine in Eclipse

Hello again,

back at the office I started to produce some data for you. I have created a small test project which is a small copy of the original application. This means it just contains the open gl window and nothing else but the architecture with MDI and so on is the same. Furthermore the code of the open gl window is the same except for some functions.
This project works fine but I do not know why. I guess I have to do some more research on this topic. For you I have 2 debug logs: One the deployed application crashing and one the application in eclipse environment which runs fine. Perhaps you have an idea where the problem may be. I just have discovered that the gl profile is different so far.

Can you tell me how I can post the debug logs? They are too large to post it in this form...

br sandhase
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Re: JOGL Application crashes on Windows 7 but runs fine in Eclipse

Sven Gothel
On Monday, January 09, 2012 11:07:16 AM Sandhase [via jogamp] wrote:

> Hello again,
> back at the office I started to produce some data for you. I have created a
> small test project which is a small copy of the original application. This
> means it just contains the open gl window and nothing else but the
> architecture with MDI and so on is the same. Furthermore the code of the
> open gl window is the same except for some functions.
> This project works fine but I do not know why. I guess I have to do some
> more research on this topic. For you I have 2 debug logs: One the deployed
> application crashing and one the application in eclipse environment which
> runs fine. Perhaps you have an idea where the problem may be. I just have
> discovered that the gl profile is different so far.
> br sandhase

Your add-on note didn't make it to the email :)
But since I looked for the log files :)

> Can you tell me how I can post the debug logs? They are too large to post it in this form...

How about you create a proper bugreport and attach the file (7z if you like) ?

Pls copy/paste all relevant information to the bugreport
and we will continue discussing the issue there.

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Re: JOGL Application crashes on Windows 7 but runs fine in Eclipse

i have created a bug report