Swing-jogl integration: heavy weight - light weight confliction?

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Swing-jogl integration: heavy weight - light weight confliction?

I read the following post on a forum. i just want to know if that JScrollPane and JInternalFrame issues are true and are still exist?

TooltipManager.sharedInstance().setLightWeightPopupEnabled(false); // for tooltips
JPopupMenu.setDefaultLightWeightPopupEnabled(false). // for menus and pop-ups

But they won't help you if you use some kind of overlapping JComponents (JScrollPane and JInternalFrame mainly) .


Because I may need to add the JOGL display area onto a JScrollPane.
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Re: Swing-jogl integration: heavy weight - light weight confliction?


Heavyweight/lightweight components mixing has changed a lot since 2005. It should work correctly. I already put a GLJPanel into a JInternalFrame several years ago and it worked.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website