official announcements around JogAmp
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Everything related to JOGL, the Java Bindings to OpenGL - jogl.jogamp.org
2365 |
16753 |
Everything related to JOCL, the Java Bindings to OpenCL - jocl.jogamp.org
183 |
932 |
Everything related to JOAL, the Java Bindings to OpenAL - joal.jogamp.org
36 |
271 |
Everything related to GlueGen, the Java binding code generator.
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326 |
JogAmp's Java3D Continuation
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2629 |
general-purpose, professionally oriented, open source, scenegraph based 3D Java engine for desktop and embedded environments
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Open debate on JogAmp's project management to maintain, continue development and fund the project.
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Anything non political correct political stuff, chatter, project related or unrelated - this is your place.
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gamp - Graphics Audio Multimedia Processing via C++
Goal is to condense some of JogAmp's experience to C++ support classes allowing
a similar workflow in the native space.
gamp /gămp/
- A large baggy umbrella.
- A large umbrella; -- said to allude to Mrs. Gamp's umbrella, in Dickens's “Martin Chuzzlewit.”
often : one that is untidily or loosely tied up if you carry an umbrella use it tightly rolled and never as a gamp
— S. D. Barney
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