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A new binary build available soon

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Re: A new binary build available soon


I'll upload new binaries very soon. Please note that Gradle >= 8.0 is necessary to build Ardor3D. You have to skip the tests (unfortunately) because of a problem on EasyMock by entering "gradle build -x test".

P.S: I'll drop Maven support very soon when I can generate the Java API documentation with Gradle.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: A new binary build available soon


I'll switch to EasyMock 5.1.0 in order to allow to run the tests anew even though I'm not sure that I will keep using this API on the long term.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: A new binary build available soon

You can build the engine without skipping the tests anew :)
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: A new binary build available soon


I have just discovered that the mouse management works very bad when the vertical synchronization is disabled, which is the case by default in T.U.E.R. Re-enabling it solves my biggest concern. I had been sad for years because of this bug.

To sum up, when you use FirstPersonControl, don't disable vertical synchronization.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: A new binary build available soon

This post was updated on Mar 09, 2023; 1:14pm.

I'm updating the roadmap:
- Gradle as single build tool (abandon Maven)
- Java 17 (removal of deprecated calls, mostly done)
- OFF import (work in progress)
- Improvements of unit tests with TestNG
- Improvements of the partial compatibility with Renanse's Ardor3D
- Inconsistent management of relative and absolute positions in ardor3d-math (for example in the way of managing the position of the buffers)
- Revamping and improvements in the exporters (allowing exports of complicated scenegraphs with hierarchies of nodes)
- Strengthening of the documentation (mostly done but the user's guide still lacks some explanations)
- Import MD2 models more accurately as an option (i.e add an option to split the models into more parts without the useless links that may cause some problems when trying to detect collisions)
- Drive some core utilities overridable (i.e avoid (ab)using the "static" keyword in those utilities)
- Drive all render state utilities overridable
- ardor3d-jogl-jfx based on NewtCanvasJFX (doable now as I use JOGL 2.4.0)

- Java 21 (native memory management in the core using java.lang.foreign.MemorySession and MemorySegment)
- JPMS (modularization, will require some changes in JOGL)
- Full support of relative mouse coordinates (will require some changes in JOGL)
- Constructive Shape Geometry
- BVH import

- GLTF import and export (the easiest feature to implement for this version)
- Abandon ardor3d-ui
- ardor3d-web-ui (inspired by RmlUI)
     - HTML parser (JSoup)
     - CSS parser (jStyleParser/CSSBox, JLessC, Flying Saucer or CSSParser)
     - HTML/CSS renderer (using a subset of CSSBox or Flying Saucer, requires to imitate Graphics2D)
- WebGPU renderer
- HTML5/CSS/Javascript/WebAssembly export (the hardest feature to implement)
- A brand new name for the project

The support of True Type fonts has been canceled as I have lost the contribution :(
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: A new binary build available soon

Sven Gothel
impressive list of yours, KUDOS.

The elephant in the room to use for TTF would be our Graph Type Rendering....

Even if you would prefer to create bitmaps, you can use the merged Typecast and shape creation
in a more 'AWT alike' resolution dependent manner - if you insist.
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Re: A new binary build available soon

Yes, I'd prefer using JOGL build-in support of TTF instead of reinventing the wheel, there are several things that could be shared or moved into JogAmp, I need to spend much time in evaluating the CSS parsers.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: A new binary build available soon

In reply to this post by gouessej

I committed the very first blueprint of the OFF importer last night. I'll support only a subset of this file format, I've found no binary files, the specification mentions an include file that I've failed to find even inside Geomview's source code, I'll support only ASCII files with several coordinate layouts:
- 1D, 2D, 3D, 4D (homogeneous coordinates)
- colors or normals assigned to vertices (COFF, NOFF, CNOFF) or faces
An exporter would be useful too but in the worst case, Meshlab does a very good job. The OFF importer will be included in the version 1.0.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: A new binary build available soon


The OFF importer supports colors on vertices right now, I'll support colors on faces very soon. I'll probably need only a few days to finish this task.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: A new binary build available soon

Sven Gothel
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Re: A new binary build available soon

Yes, exactly. However, there are many possible layouts, it's not completely trivial:

Many webpages mention only the most common layout which is very rudimentary with only 3D vertices and faces with colors without normals and without texture coordinates. Some programs generate files that violate a little bit the specification by writing the off keyword on the same line that the number of vertices. I have found no example of color map, which is stored in a separate file named cmap.fmap. The data can be arranged in several orders depending on the off keyword.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: A new binary build available soon


The OFF importer is almost ready, I'll have to handle homogeneous coordinates. It supports only triangles and quads for now whereas some files can contain concave polygons. There's some room for improvement.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: A new binary build available soon


I'll upload a last binary build made with Maven before dropping Maven once for all before the end of the week. I'll have to update the documentation as it lacks numerous precious pieces of information unlike the tutorial I wrote for OpenJFX and Java3D.

I'll try to upload the JARs into the JogAmp Maven development repository. I think that a small example using Gradle in the documentation would be warmly welcome.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: A new binary build available soon

The next build will require at least Java 20. I'm currently fixing the warnings on deprecated URL constructors but I'm unsure what to do. I'll make this next build with Gradle. Maven build scripts are going to be removed very soon as planned.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: A new binary build available soon


I have to step back, Gradle doesn't support Java 20 yet. I prepared some changes to ease the support of Java 20 but it doesn't fully work, the source code is commented:

I have to fix ardor3d-audio Java documentation. When it's done, I'll modify the scripts that expect a Maven layout to make them work with Gradle and I'll drop Maven.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: A new binary build available soon

The new binary build (including its Java documentation) has just been uploaded. Gradle was used to generate everything except the Java documentation because I don't know how to aggregate the documentation of several sub-projects into one documentation. Maven was used to generate the Java documentation. When this problem is solved, Maven will be dropped once for all.

What's new in this build?
- Java 19 as minimal required version
- OFF importer
- Audio system
- JOGL 2.4.0
- misleading interleaved VBO support removed
- a new method to retrieve the normals of a primitive, in indexed and not indexed mesh data
- better management of the both representations of zero

The tutorial still needs an important update (work in progress).

Coming soon:
- JARs in the JogAmp Maven development repository

What's next?
- Java 20 or 21 as minimal required version
- abandon of Maven as a build tool
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: A new binary build available soon

The JARs are in the JogAmp Maven development repository:
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: A new binary build available soon

This is the typical change you have to do to use the libraries from our Maven repository:

It will be a lot better for newcomers.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: A new binary build available soon

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Re: A new binary build available soon
